Why You Need Multiple Business Phone Lines and Domain Names

by: blog-editor2 , December 3, 2010

It is common knowledge that many benefits result from having multiple web domain names. And it is just as important to have multiple business phone lines.

We are not just talking about multiple in-office lines so you can handle multiple phone calls simultaneously. What is more critical is having business phone lines that appeal to different prospects and target markets and that can be used to maximize marketing ROI.

Without doubt, vanity numbers for your business phone lines are now one of the most powerful and important branding and marketing tools available to businesses today. They can be used to separate your business from the pack, add credibility, test marketing strategies, and monitor metrics. However, one vanity number just isn’t enough. If you can acquire the generic vanity number for your industry for your business phone lines, that is great. However, it is not always possible. Regardless of whether you have this number or not, your company will benefit from niche marketing as well, no matter whether you are a new start up trying to cut out a slice of the pie for yourself or even a largest industry dominating conglomerations. Don’t believe it? Just look at the likes of insurance giant Geico, undoubtedly one of the most well known companies in America, yet it still continues to use the power of niche marketing.

By obtaining multiple vanity numbers for your business phone lines, you can better reach your ideal customers and expand your grip on the market. For example, you may want to hone in and make a name for yourself in one segment of the industry so you can block out the competition. Or perhaps there is currently a demand for speed in your industry, so obtaining a vanity number with the word "fast" in it can portray you as the most attractive option to do business with. Look at your current and future marketing strategies and analyze where you can make a big difference by having additional business phone lines.

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