Vanity numbers are far more than just another business phone line. Numerous possibilities exist for how vanity numbers can help you to close deals in a tangible way. First, compared to using regular business phone lines and local numbers, vanity numbers have been proven dramatically to increase advertising effectiveness and response rates. With a well chosen toll free number or batch of numbers, you can expect to see a significantly higher response rate to your marketing. Clearly, every campaign is different and may make different vanity numbers desirable; however, on average most businesses see at least a 14% rise in customers contacting them as a result of using vanity numbers.
Closing ratios for businesses promoting their products or services with vanity numbers also rise dramatically. While multiple reasons can lead to this increase, in essence, the result is due to more targeted customers calling who for the most part have already chosen to do business with you. By using word spell vanity numbers, your marketing campaigns can be more focused toward your niche market and ideal customers. This focus helps to filter out unwanted prospects to save you labor hours and money as well as to keep your call center staff available to close the most important and viable deals. Toll free numbers that are also vanity numbers can also be used to position your corporation in the minds of the public so you become the one and only obvious choice for their needs in your industry, resulting in clients already deciding to use you before they pick up the phone.
Even more promising than just initial increased return is the snow balling effect of larger revenue streams your company will generate. How? The higher your closing ratios, the more you can confidently invest in your marketing campaigns, generating an even higher volume of closed deals and higher profit margins. On top of this, the more targeted and successful your campaigns are, the easier it is on your call center staff, keeping them energized and motivated so they can perform even better while you can also afford to employ more highly skilled staff.
Next time you hear someone say vanity numbers are just for vanity, remind them that vanity numbers are actually more like high performing investments offering a compounding effect that continually adds to the bottom line.