Trying To Do It All? 4 Tips for Small Business Delegation

by: Custom Toll Free , April 26, 2016

When you started your small business, you probably didn’t think it would be like having kids. You’ve watched your pride and joy grow up, but eventually it comes time to let go. You let your children go off and live their lives, just like you let your employees help you grow your business.

There comes a point, though, when you need to start assigning and outsourcing tasks to others. Because if you don’t delegate, you’ll end up stuck and burned out along the way.

If you’ve stretched yourself thin trying to do it all, here is a list of tips for small business delegation:

Analyze your needs

Before you can give tasks away, you need to take inventory of everything you’re currently doing. The most effective way to do this is to track your time, both billable and non-billable. You might be surprised to find out which tasks drain the most time during your day. You might even find some tasks you can eliminate from your business completely.

Identify your options

Do you have an employee on staff who could take on extra work? Or maybe you need to hire someone new. For your delegation system to work properly, you need to be able to trust that it will grow and change along with your company’s needs.

Document your processes

In order to keep your business running smoothly, everyone needs to be following the same processes and procedures. It’s important to have clear and comprehensive documentation of each process and system. This way, any team member can jump in and pick up where you or another employee left off.

Communicate regularly

Encourage open communication with everyone on your team. Consistent communication brings about increased collaboration, team building and information sharing. Schedule weekly in-person meetings during which team members can ask questions and seek clarification regarding anything happening within the company.

A small business owner who continues to take on every task will eventually hit a dead end. You had the vision to start a successful company, and now it’s time to let others help you. For more tips and ideas on growing your business, visit

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