The Top 3 Reasons to Pre-Order an 844 Number

by: 00juno , December 3, 2013

844 Numbers, Toll Free Vanity Numbers, 844 Vanity Toll Free Numbers

The clock is ticking and time is running out! After months of preparation, excitement, and maybe even a little anxiety, the long-awaited release of the 844 toll free prefix is about to become official in less than four days! But don’t fret. There is still time to pre-order. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t wait any longer to pre-order your 844 toll free vanity number.

844 Numbers, Toll Free Vanity Numbers, 844 Vanity Toll Free NumbersSpeed. By pre-ordering an 844 toll free vanity number with Custom Toll Free, we have access to speed. Custom Toll Free utilizes a MGI access system in order to assist customers with their pre-orders. So what does this mean exactly?

Basically Custom Toll Free has the speed at least five times faster in order to grab new toll free vanity numbers. Let Custom Toll Free do the dirty work!

844 Numbers, 844 Vanity Toll Free Numbers, Toll Free NumbersIs it Worth the Risk? So what happens if you decide to waive the pre-order offer and take matters into your own hands and acquire your own vanity number after the official release? Well, you could in fact do this, however, there are risks to that. What happens if your first or second vanity spelling choices are taken?

What if you have already spent valuable time and money in your marketing budget to promote your new toll free vanity number only to find out it is already unavailable? Is losing your opportunity to acquire your desired toll free number worth the risk?

844 Numbers, Toll Free Vanity Numbers, 844 Vanity Toll Free NumbersDon’t Lose Your Spot in Line. Are you one of those people who lines up in front of the Apple store to grab the new iPhone or iPad? Or wait in line for a new, exciting movie to come out? Some people enjoy this thrill, while others can’t be bothered. Pre-ordering an 844 toll free vanity number sort of works on the same idea.

Rather than standing and waiting for hours upon hours in hopes to get your hands on the new 844 vanity number of your choice, let Custom Toll Free do the “standing in line” for you.

Taking advantage of pre-ordering an 844 toll free vanity number will give you a huge advantage over those who decide to sit and wait it out. This will increase your chances considerably in acquiring the top toll free number of your choice.

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