The Secret To Social Media-Extension Excellence? Treat Every Click as a Call

by: 00juno , January 8, 2013

800 toll free numbers, toll free 800 numbers 800 numbers for businessA lot of emphasis is often placed on connecting customers and representatives, in regards to toll free services. But on both ends of the bridge lies two ways of communication. More often than not, there are customers who prefer the convenience of clicks, or who go for the most trusted name listed on the first page of Google, seeking simplicity and convenience. For these types, a phone call even on a toll free 800 number is preferred less to what can get done through a call, click or retweet.


Why? Simply put, some people are technologically savvy and prefer to find their own solutions in a fast and simple manner. For many, connoisseurs and customers alike, Twitter can add availability and bridge gaps within your outreach strategy in ways that can do the work for you. And what some see as confusion, others find convenience. So what you may see as a tweet, others see as a connection…provided you work it the right way.


When it comes to social media—while a proven new strategy toward generating ROI for your business—there’s never an accurate way to measure the impact your social posts have on your customers and the number of “likes”. Therefore, the best rule of thumb is to treat your social media as if it were an extension of yourself. Toll free 800 numbers make your message and connection human, even if relegated to news feeds and Tweetdeck Columns. ) Customers clicking their “likes”, constructing their comments, and sharing your status’ still want to feel like they are connecting with a live person.


Remember that for every 1,000 tweets you make, even if the same, it’s still an entirely new tweet for the person clicking and reading. Keep yourself honest about your social media and what you’re saying out there. We believe it’s best to treat your clicks as calls. Make the connection and you’ll see some sales.

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