Small Business Trends for 2013

by: Custom Toll Free , December 12, 2012

Small Business, Entrepreneurs, 2013How is the landscape shaping up for small businesses in 2013? While many entrepreneurs are glad to say good riddance to 2012 and look forward to 2013 as the turnaround year, we’ve all been waiting for the media is still spreading its poison surrounding the fiscal cliff.


It is possible that businesses will face higher taxes in 2013 and there are some concerns that economic growth will continue to be modest. And if restrictive taxes are rolled out some top talent and business headquarters could be pushed offshore.


However, people in general are worn out from being conservative. They are tired of living a less flamboyant lifestyle than they have enjoyed in the past or aspire to, they are tired of seeing miserable returns on investments, and there seem to be few rewards for stashing cash under the mattress. With unemployment heading down and a new year bringing new optimism expect to see a rise in consumer spending, investing, and startup activity.


This will mean good news for revenues and transaction volume for many companies, but higher taxes and a potential tight start to the year means small business owners still forced into bootstrapping.


On the bright side even if things are tough for businesses it will spur innovation and new ways to do business. This means a demand for new services and many will finally get around to launching the business ideas they have been formulating during 2012. This boom in startups and expansions will also create a boom for those in the B2B sector.


Perhaps one of the most significant trends and outcomes from all of this will be seen in the demand for high powered business phone numbers in the form of toll free vanity numbers. This is a trend all savvy online business owners, B2B service providers, and affiliate marketers can capitalize on by promoting toll free services as affiliate partners.

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