Six Reasons To Offer Toll Free Numbers On Your Website

by: blog-editor2 , December 14, 2010

1. Draw More Traffic

Adding toll free numbers to your website offering as part of an affiliate marketing program can help you draw more traffic to your website. The more traffic you attract, the more prospects you have to cross sell on your other products and services. In fact, just having the ability to draw masses of traffic to your website can increase the value of your business and make it salable.

2. Keeping Traffic On Your Website Longer

Attracting visitors to your website is great, but keeping them on long enough to see all that you have to offer is equally important. Becoming a partner with a leading toll free number provider that offers sticky widgets and other search tools will help you keep traffic on your pages longer. The longer they stay the more time they have to notice your other offerings and the more likely they will want to see what other great services you provide.

3. Additional Revenue Stream

Obviously, becoming part of a toll free number affiliate program can become an incredible new revenue stream. Once you have set yourself up and are rolling, this affiliation can provide a great source of extra cash that can go right in your pocket or be used to expand your other marketing efforts. If you are not making money from your visitors who are looking for toll free numbers, someone else will. Why shouldn't it be you?

4. Referrals & Repeat Business

Referrals and repeat customer business is the cheapest and most profitable type of business you can do. Once your customers have acquired one winning toll free number, you can be sure they will be back for more. Plus once they put their toll free numbers to work and see what a big difference they make in their businesses, they are sure to send more referrals your way.

5. More Money From Every Contact

Once your website visitors and clients begin using toll free numbers to compliment your other offerings, they will no doubt see much higher profit margins and revenues themselves. Higher revenues mean they will have more available liquid cash to come back and spend with you, further increasing your profit margins and cash flow.

6. Improving Loyalty & Conversions

Offering toll free numbers to your prospects will help you improve loyalty among your customers and keep them coming back to you for their other needs. Once they are used to acquiring products and services through your site, they won’t hesitate in the future and your conversion rates will rocket.

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