Despite dire predictions that phone directories might cease to exist with the advent of the Internet, they still remain a popular and profitable enterprise today. People tend to use phone directories when they are looking for specific products/services that are offered in their area. For example: if someone is looking for an auto repair shop, trying to find local information using search engines might yield a number of results, but some of the companies listed will inevitably be located in another state or even another country. Because many customers prefer to do business locally, advertising in local phone directories using your 800 vanity number can yield a lot of benefits.
So which phone directory should you focus your attention on? These directories can be classified into a number of categories: (1) White Pages, (2) Yellow Pages, (3) Grey Pages, and (4) Government Directories (usually in blue or green). As a business entity with an 800 vanity number, you need to focus on the yellow pages, which are the directory for businesses in your area. Products and services are classified according to industry.
Of course, simply getting listed is not enough. Often, paid advertising works better and can produce more significant results. The response rate from your ad will also significantly increase when you place an 800 number in it. People tend to trust 800 numbers more, and they give a better professional impression to your business. Amid all the ads in the phone directory, your ad will stand out and look more credible with a toll free number. With all these benefits, it is not surprising that more businesses are starting to take advantage of 800 vanity numbers and phone directory advertisements.
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