Old Way To Search For A Number In A Vanity Look Up

by: Custom Toll Free , December 3, 2012

Vanity Numbers, Reverse Toll Free Look Ups, BrandingHow much has searching for vanity numbers changed in the last couple of years? Some entrepreneurs will remember just how ridiculously tough, frustrating, and time consuming it was to find half decent vanity numbers only a few years ago.


Trying to get a number or find out if the one you had in mind was available often meant hours on a call with a phone company. Even worse, many were resulting to pen and paper to try and figure a decent number that was semi acceptable or relevant, never mind a highly effective or unified brand.


Trying reverse lookups has been just as bad until very recently, even with the availability of online searches for toll free numbers. Unfortunately, the Internet has become full of dead end websites and even those that charge for data and fail to deliver anything useful.


Thankfully this has all changed. Thanks to new web-based search tools from Custom Toll Free, with over twelve years development put into them, business owners and executives can now hop online and find winning vanity numbers in seconds.


Now you can get online from your mobile device anywhere and search for vanity numbers by digits or even keyword phrases and be instantly served up a variety of great matches.


Reverse toll free lookups can also now be performed in the same way, whether you just want to see if a number is in use, or find out who has been calling you, or even for simply doing a little reconnaissance on the competition, or track down the owner of a number to try and negotiate its takeover.


It’s never been this easy to get a great business phone number. The only downside is that it is also easy for your competition to get great numbers too. So if it’s time to re-brand, unify your brand, or launch a new campaign or promotion, you might want to move fast.

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