Offering Free 800 Numbers To Gain Market Share

by: blog-editor2 , August 18, 2010

Businesses across the country are finding that they must offer more and more real value to clients and partner programs in order to retain the ones they have and to differentiate themselves to attract new ones. A great and easy way to provide such value is by bundling services which not only helps clients and partners to be more successful, but it also helps to add to your bottom line as well. Besides just attracting new customers, remember that the biggest and easiest profits can come from repeat business and increasing same customer spending. The more successful you make your clients and customers, the more they will come back to use your services, the more excited they will be, and the greater the likelihood that they will send you referrals. One of the easiest and best tools you can offer and bundle with your other services and products or programs are free 800 numbers.

Direct marketers and lead generation firms will find 800 numbers the perfect addition to their packages and services. Blocks of 800 numbers can be offered in order to help clients test market strategy and hone in their campaigns. For clients, this means seeing tangible results and being able easily to maximize marketing ROI. Even better, it solves one of the biggest problems in this market – the difference between driving traffic and prospects through your campaigns and clients actually seeing closings and profits. Offering 800 numbers that can be used to track calls online can be used to show and prove to clients just how much potential business you were able to drive to them and whether there was actually a breakdown on the client’s end in converting them. You will find this key tool invaluable for improving your own strategies as well as retaining your clients.

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