How a Toll Free Number Responded to an Emergency on the Tracks

by: 00juno , January 30, 2013

toll free number 800 toll free number, emergency toll free numbersDid you know that the state of Kansas has over 7,000 miles of railroad track? So what happens when an accident occurs? You may think that calling 911 is the best option for immediate assistance, but that may take time and redirection before connecting to the proper channels. You may be surprised that sometimes a toll free number can work better for quick services.

For example, on January 25th, 2013, Deputy John Scaglione pried a cement truck driver to safety just twenty seconds before the driver’s cement truck was nailed by an oncoming train. The driver, trapped inside his cement truck tipped sideways on the tracks, remained calm until he saw the flashing red lights and the descending railroad crossing arms spelling out an impending doom. So what was it that saved his life? A sign with a toll free number on the side of the railroad. Executive Director of Kansas Operation Livesaver, Julie Lacomb explains:

“The toll free number takes you to the railroad dispatch. When you call and say the numbers, letters, and location, they know exactly where you are and can contact the railroad to try and get that train stopped if there’s one headed your direction. When you call 911, they’re going to ask the normal questions: ‘Where are you?’ ‘What’s your emergency?’ Then they need more detail and need to know ‘Who owns the tracks?’ and ‘What’s your location?’ If you’re in an area you don’t know or you’re panicking for whatever reason, it just saves time.”

With tracks running through 100 of Kansas’ 105 counties, it takes a mile to stop a train going 55 miles an hour. Due to the quick accessibility and availability of the toll free number, no lives were lost despite the massive impact. Deputy Scaglione continues, “[The driver] was telling me he was having a crappy day. I said, ‘No. You just flipped a cement mixer and you lived through that. The mixer got hit by a train and you lived through that.’ I said, ‘No, you’re having a great day’.”

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