Google #Technology Now Makes #Apple iPhone Better

by: Custom Toll Free , June 29, 2012

It seems Facebook isn’t the only one Apple has been collaborating with…
Google’s Chrome browser is now on the iPhone bringing new functionality which is going to push market saturation of Apple’s revolutionary device even further and enable Google to develop deeper loyalty with entrepreneurs.
While Apple and Google have been on the brink of “thermonuclear war” with each other in the past, and recent collision with Facebook threatened a bloody nose to Chrome’s creators, it seems that Apple is hedging its bets on both sides of the fight to get an iPhone in everyone’s hands.
Chrome has been the most popular browser in the world and this move will only concrete that, as well as bring some fantastic new features for all small business owners using Google apps. Now the browser can be synced across multiple devices so users can seamlessly browse between desktops, tablets, and their iPhones, including back button and bookmarks. Google Drive also offers some wild new improvements and Google Docs users can finally edit offline.
For entrepreneurs this will certainly also make Google+ much more important to use for marketing and make it easier. However, with the launch of Chrome devices now in stores and the new cute looking Chromebox a more important evolution could be afoot. This could actually eliminate the relevance of laptops, between the portable big screen Chromebox capability and Chrome now on the iPad and iPhone.
It all means more being done on the go and on mobile devices. Will it mean more social? Yes, but ironically it likely also means pushing more consumers to call businesses to complete their orders.
So you may be developing your G+ circles, still pushing ahead with Facebook ads and now enjoying a lot more freedom with Chrome, but do you have a business phone number that is going to spur consumers to call you instead of the competition and do you have great routing feature set up so that those deals get closed?

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