More is involved in picking the right Internet domain name than first meets the eye. A number of factors need to be considered when choosing your web domain name that can affect your branding, advertising effectiveness, and search engine ranking, all of which can make a big difference to your bottom line for years to come.
The first mistake many new businesses make is not researching and acquiring their desired domain names early enough. If you wait until you have already completed the rest of your business and marketing planning and have already registered your business name and obtained toll free numbers, you could find that no available Internet domain names remain to match your branding. That means either pushing forward with an inferior web domain name and dooming your business to never reaching its full potential or having to start again from scratch and choose a different company name and vanity numbers to match. It is true that the leading toll free service providers and Internet domain name companies can assist you with negotiating the acquisition domain names that are owned by someone else; however, when using them, you can expect to pay a lot more than if you would have done your research right in the beginning.
When choosing your Internet name, you also need to decide whether you are going to go for a .com, .us or other name as well as for how long you are going to reserve it. Having a .com Internet name is certainly viewed as the best option. Even those companies who are organizations and networks often choose to reserve the .com version of their Internet domain name to avoid losing customers who incorrectly type in their web domain names. Many SEO experts also argue that the length of time for which you reserve your Internet domain name can affect your ranking by search engines. So if possible opt for 5 or 10 year registration as opposed to just a year.