Custom Toll Free is Giving You A Chance For A FREE Kindle Fire

by: 00juno , June 7, 2012

A vanity toll free number, in the eyes of many, is considered to be a brand within itself. A Vanity Toll-Free number is also viewed as a time-honored tradition that transcends even advertising itself. However, in this day and age, amidst an endless stream of technological advancements, bringing about an-out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new mentality is standard toward one’s business practices. Granted it’s great to try new applications and experiment with all the fun stuff out there, but the only accurate verdict toward effectiveness lies within the experience itself. It is proven that vanity numbers have proven to build stronger market presence, boost a better name for instant prestige, and most importantly, create customer recognition on a level almost similar to clockwork.


While we here at Custom Toll Free cannot guarantee or increase your return on investments, we can definitely help one lucky company out with an Amazon Kindle Fire. How? Effective June 1st and running throughout July, you can take a photo of you and your vanity toll free number on Facebook and could have a shot at a free Kindle Fire. Take as many as you like and make sure they get your good side. In fact, you can even have some of your employees sporting your letters and digits if you’re feeling self-conscious. Whatever you decide, whether it’s on a billboard, vehicle, shopfront, digital scrolling sign or sandwich board or Instagrammed, keep it fun. We’re looking for originality.


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Just simply like us on Facebook and post it up on our wall. Winners will be chosen at random and contacted via Facebook. Just make sure the photos are age-appropriate and in accordance with your local laws. Custom Toll Free reserves the right to remove any photos.  Be sure to check our wall every day, you never know what new ideas they’ll be coming up with!

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