City of Seattle to Provide Pay-By-Phone Parking Service by: 00juno, July 12, 2012 In cities spanning across the United States, you can always find an 800 toll free number located on top of a parking meter in case you’re out of change or if the machine just isn’t taking your credit card. In the interest of upping the ante of efficiency, a new mobile app is coming out that will allow users to pay for their parking. The project, headed by the Seattle Department of Transportation in partnership with the Seattle Police Department—Parking Enforcement, is set to be implemented around fall 2012. Read More
New Facebook Feature: Will the “Want” Become the new “Like”? by: 00juno, July 10, 2012 In the world of Facebook, the “Like” button has bestowed upon us a new likeness. In addition to several new, subtle amenities such as the ability to edit your own posts, receive notifications, and having statuses and links shared to others’ networks, Facebook is allowing users to subscribe through business opportunities and products through a “Want” button. This button is currently in a test phase primarily as a means of sharing products you may be interested in buying in the near future with your friends. Read More
Independence Day Brings More Freedom with Mini iPad Launch & Toll Free Numbers by: Custom Toll Free, July 4, 2012 This 4th of July brings even more reason for business owners and entrepreneurs to celebrate… There is no question that the 4th of July is one of, if not the most important holiday of 2012. It's a great day for everyone to celebrate but even more special for entrepreneurs. It's a about freedom and whatever your opinion about the state of America today we certainly still enjoy many freedoms others don't and now the latest business tools take that freedom to a whole new level, freeing up business owners to work on their own terms, from wherever they want. Read More
Winning Customer Strategies Through Toll Free Numbers by: Custom Toll Free, July 2, 2012 Can toll free numbers really deliver more engagement, higher conversions, and improve customer loyalty and retention? Entire books could be written on the many benefits of utilizing toll free numbers and the plethora of strategies businesses incorporate with them to maximize performance and profits in every area of their organizations. But let's focus on three that can be rolled out for better results in the next two weeks… Read More
Recovering From Wildfires, 1-800 Hotlines Help Victims Handle the Heat through Legal and Mental Health Services. by: 00juno, June 26, 2012 Read More
How to Advertise Using Your Vanity Toll Free Number? by: Custom Toll Free, June 18, 2012 Business owners and entrepreneurs are being constantly told that vanity toll free numbers are on the most import tools at their disposal today but how should they be incorporated into advertising for maximum effectiveness? Vanity toll free numbers should used in or on every marketing effort. In fact they should be used in every customer facing contact and should even be the main focus of advertising campaigns like competitions and press releases too. Vanity toll free numbers are especially important for use in: Read More