855 Prefix Delayed!

by: blog-editor2 , October 4, 2010

The official launch of 855 numbers for sale has been delayed until October 9th! But while use of an 855 number is not immediately available, it is still possible to make your reservations. Don't waste time in reserving your own number because it can skyrocket in price in no time. Reserving now has the added benefit of getting your hands on a fully-customized number that is perfect for your business.

The demand for toll free numbers is continually increasing. 855 numbers are expected to be sold out. Push ahead of the competition. Before your competitors get the chance to grab the best customized numbers, beat them to it! Grab this opportunity while you can. You owe it to yourself and to your business.

Don’t worry about the delay in launching. What does a few days, even weeks, mean in the overall lifespan of your enterprise? It is certainly worth the wait. And you can be sure that having an 855 toll free number will deliver a very high return on investment (ROI) when combined with a good marketing campaign.

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