855 Numbers Scheduled for October 1st, 2010!

by: blog-editor1 , June 29, 2010

Order an 855 Vanity Before They're Gone!

The 855 Toll Free prefix will be released October 1st, 2010. This is from an official announcement just released on June 25th. Custom Toll Free, the leader in toll free consulting, has made it fast and convenient to reserve the new 855 vanity numbers with their online platform. For a small fee, users will be placed in the national queue to reserve their choice of 855 vanity number IMMEDIATELY upon release at midnight on October 1st. With access to an MGI tool (the fastest availalbe connection to the FCC database) clients have a better than average chance of scooping up an amazing vanity number ahead of their competition.

To get into the queue or find more information simply visit the 855 reservations page at https://www.customtollfree.com/855-toll-free-release.html

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