3 Toll Free Wins

by: admin , September 9, 2014

Winner. Retro tin sign design concept.Successful small business owners search for the competitive edge that helps boost customer counts and store sales. They try to earn the small wins that keep their small businesses thriving in a tough economic climate. One of the ways successful small businesses win in a highly competitive industry is by acquiring toll free numbers. Three toll free wins include portability, flexibility, and vanity toll free benefits.

Portability: Toll Free Numbers Follow You Everywhere

One of the greatest benefits of toll free numbers is the numbers can follow you everywhere you go. Small business owners call forward their business toll free numbers to smartphones and home landline numbers. The high level of portability ensures every potential customer that calls your business receives prompt attention from you or one of your highly trained customer service professionals. Customers despise two things above every other customer service headache: waiting for someone to answer the phone and being placed on hold. The portability of toll free numbers allows you to provide dedicated attention to customer calls at home, in your car, or even at the gym.

Toll Free Flexibility

Most small business owners acquire toll free numbers for their primary telephone numbers. The toll free benefits of providing free access to small businesses include increased exposure to customers from all over the world. However, too many small businesses limit the power of toll free numbers by not leveraging the flexibility of the numbers.

The toll free benefit of flexibility allows small businesses to establish toll free numbers solely for handling customer service issues, such as refunds or product descriptions. You can acquire additional toll free numbers for limited time promotions, such as end of season sales and weekly service specials. Small businesses that reap the toll free benefits of multiple toll free numbers attract more customers.

Why Vanity Seals the Deal

Numeric toll free numbers provide several benefits for small business owners, but by adding vanity toll free numbers, small businesses build the type of trust that establishes credibility. The toll free benefits of acquiring vanity numbers include more word of mouth advertising and a higher return on your marketing investment. Vanity toll free numbers should be memorable words that roll off the tongues of your customers. For example, a 1-800-GLAZED vanity number establishes credibility for a donut shop. Grocers that specialize in offering fresh, organic produce can attract customers through a 1-800-PRODUCE vanity toll free number. A catchy toll free vanity number creates a stronger market presence that boosts your small business brand.

The three powerful toll free benefits of portability, flexibility, and vanity are just a few ways of how so many small businesses have grown and developed. Find out more by contacting us online or by calling our catchy toll free number at 1-800-CUSTOMIZE.



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