PetHub adds Toll-Free Service to Find Displaced Pets Homes by: 00juno, June 5, 2012 What have dog tags done lately? They offer assurance that a pet has been treated, registered, possibly spayed/neutered, if they’ve been treated for diseases, and provide details of ownership. However, the tag alone just has some numbers and maybe a name, but no real way of tracing the pet to its rightful owner—who is probably missing and/or worried about their displaced pet. There’s got to be something to better bridge the gap and help displaced pets get back home. Read More
New Look-Up Service Keeps New Jersey Charities Honest by: 00juno, May 31, 2012 Charities that use toll free numbers to call and ask for donations is often an attractive pitch and in many cases can serve great causes. This can recruit and enable participants and activists to reach out without physically being there. On the other hand, some shady business owners can seek profit under the guise of a charitable organization and scam customers out of their money while doing little to nothing to serve the actual cause. Read More
NASDAQ Overpowered, Facebook Overvalued. What We Can Learn From the Facebook IPO Fiasco. by: 00juno, May 24, 2012 Many expected a huge turnout once Facebook finally became a publicly-owned and operated machine. Much of the fanfare came that Friday morning, as Mark Zuckerberg rang the opening bell for NASDAQ. Many Facebook followers and fanatics made their long-anticipated move. The NASDAQ was packed wall to wall with hopeful investors. Unfortunately, found themselves trapped, unable to rapidly sell their recently-purchased stock which quickly dropped in stock value. Read More
From Panda to Penguin: Understanding Google’s Algorithm Alterations. by: 00juno, May 17, 2012 In the interest of keeping your Google audience clicking toward your store and your service, holding down that position and keeping the first page on the searches speak more volumes and spark more sales than a Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or yellow pages section combined. That’s just simple business and strong reputation management. But what you see, and more importantly, what your customers see is not the same as what Google sees through the eyes of its constantly-shifting and ever-altering algorithms. Read More
Blueseed: Startups Grab Your Vanity Numbers and Set Sail by: Custom Toll Free, May 9, 2012 Call it heaven for startups. This entrepreneur-ship is going to enable small businesses to make big waves in no time. Entrepreneurs armed with premium vanity numbers will soon be able to incubate their startups in the most conducive atmosphere ever created, enjoying all the benefits of Silicon Valley without the price tag. Read More
Is Direct Response Tracking For Your Business? You May Be Surprised. by: 00juno, May 8, 2012 Read More
Know Before You Pin: #Pinterest a Copyright Catastrophe Waiting to Happen? by: Custom Toll Free, May 4, 2012 Hot new social network and virtual pin board, Pinterest has been creating a buzz across the blogosphere but it isn't all good news! First it was complaints about Pinterest switching out user links with its own affiliate links to directly generate revenues from users' hard work and marketing budgets. Now there is a storm brewing over copyright infringement. Read More
Is #Google Going Offline? by: Custom Toll Free, April 27, 2012 Businesses forging new marketing plans to keep up with emerging trends have bench-marked their successes by how well they perform on Google for years. Though could Google's failure to outdo Facebook be the end of the Internet giant? Not likely. Novices may like to post blog comments making fun of Google's inability to beat Facebook's user numbers when it comes to social media, though it is unlikely any of them are worth anywhere near what Google's founders are today. Read More
What is Taxmageddon and What Does it Mean For Your Business and Vanity Numbers? by: Custom Toll Free, April 18, 2012 The alleged tax hike set to hit on January 1st, 2013 are what experts are warning of an end of year "Taxmageddon" that will hit the middle class and hard working business owners even harder. The coming tax Armageddon at the end of 2012 brings the end to $500 billion in tax breaks all at the same time. This is estimated to increase the average tax bill by $3,800, eliminating the $124 billion payroll tax cut and raise the tax rate on entrepreneurs. Read More