Marketing Pieces and Vanity Numbers by: blog-editor2, June 14, 2010 When obtaining new vanity numbers, many organizations question which of their marketing pieces to feature them on. The answer is definitely all of them! If you have multiple vanity numbers for different marketing strategies and campaigns, of course, they should be used appropriately, but you should have at least one main constant toll free number that is displayed on all of your communications. Read More
Five Ways Toll Free Numbers Save You Money by: blog-editor2, June 9, 2010 1. Toll free numbers have many benefits. One of the biggest benefits is how much easier it is to split test your marketing strategies. Split testing with toll free numbers results in more targeted marketing campaigns which maximize marketing ROI and enable you to do much more with your marketing budget than your competitors are able to do. Read More
Testing Your Product With a Toll Free Number by: blog-editor2, June 8, 2010 Testing new products and services as well as marketing campaigns has become more crucial than ever. Toll free numbers have now evolved as one of the essential tools every business needs, not only for credibility and running better operations, but for testing their products and marketing strategy as well. The days of just throwing together a marketing campaign and hoping it works are long gone. Today, only companies that continually test and improve are going to make it and make it big. Even during initial planning stages, toll free numbers and vanity numbers can be used to test interest in the market and which brand identity appeals most to the paying consumers you are trying to reach. Moving forward, batches of your toll free numbers can be used for measuring marketing performance and direct response tracking. Using your toll free numbers in this way enables your enterprise to split test not only your marketing message and design but the demographics you are marketing to as well. Some companies think the above level of testing is enough, and as long as they are receiving calls on their toll free numbers and traffic to their website domain names, they are doing all they can. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. What is better: 1,000 calls and 10 closed deals or 100 calls and 25 closed deals? Clearly it's the option that wastes less minutes on your toll free numbers and labor costs while offering higher closing ratios. There are lots of marketing ideas that can bring in business, but you need to find the most profitable ones that will maximize your marketing ROI. Your toll free services provider ought to be offering you real time call detail reports so you can constantly monitor performance. Once you have the calls coming in, you can test your best scripts for your teams as well as your processes and pricing options. Testing with toll free numbers can give you the edge to create the best product possible and by extension build the customer loyalty that will make your business a major player for the long run. Credit Line: © Ken Toh | Read More
Outsourcing and Toll Free Numbers by: blog-editor2, June 7, 2010 In the last few years, the trend to outsource many aspects of business operations has exploded, thanks to improved software and toll free services. The demand for increases in outsourcing has mainly arisen from the tightening economy and the need dramatically to reduce costs for labor, office space, and equipment. Call centers have been offering offshore outsourcing services for years, but the latest developments in technology as well as routing options and tools for toll free numbers have made outsourcing viable and reliable for corporations of all sizes. Read More
Toll Free Service and Your Website by: blog-editor2, June 4, 2010 Your website is both one of the key places to feature your toll free number and also one of the key parts of your brand image that should mesh with your choice of vanity number. Ideally, you will have researched the availability of domain names, business names, and toll free numbers before registering any of them in order to develop the strongest brand identity possible. While it may not always work out, it is wise to choose a web domain name and toll free service number that compliment each other. Read More
The Worst Toll Free Numbers by: blog-editor2, May 25, 2010 Toll free numbers can absolutely compliment your business and in many cases be the single best investment you can make to maximize marketing ROI. However, a huge difference exists between winning toll free numbers that can actually rocket you ahead of your competitors, helping you to pick up market shares and operate more efficiently, and poorly chosen toll free numbers that do not live up to their full potential and can even mean wasting valuable marketing dollars. Read More
Choosing Your 800 Number – Keep It Simple by: blog-editor2, May 24, 2010 So you've decided to take advantage of the great power of having an 800 number, but how do you choose the optimal number for your business? How do you make the most out of the use of your new toll free number? One of the most important factors to consider is keeping your toll free number simple. While having an 800 number lends credibility and offers a range of great options for improving your operations, one of the greatest benefits of toll free numbers is providing your customers with an easy to remember way to contact your company. You normally only have seconds to imprint your contact information into the minds of your prospects. No doubt at some point you have heard a radio commercial or seen a TV ad that interested you, but you just couldn't write the number down in time. It doesn't matter how great your product or service is, if your customers cannot contact you, you will not realize revenue from your marketing budget and could soon find your company going out of business. Read More
What Makes A Good 800 Vanity Number? by: blog-editor2, May 21, 2010 The statistics have shown how a good 800 vanity number can deliver double digit increases in response rates and closing ratios, and clearly the credibility and branding advantages are priceless. But what makes a good 800 vanity number? Read More
Vanity Numbers: The Verbal Branding Revolution by: blog-editor2, May 18, 2010 They say, "A picture is worth a thousand words," but if you think about it, the words from advertising are the ones you remember the most. Even that the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" has been remembered and passed down for decades (and not an actual picture) is proof enough that words are more powerful. Recently, a lot of buzz has circulated about verbal branding, including at expos put on by the American Marketing Association. A great verbal branding strategy should be at the core of any company's branding and marketing efforts. Read More
What to Avoid in Choosing a 1-800 Number by: blog-editor2, March 22, 2010 Choosing a 1-800 number is a great advertising method that boosts conversion rates and increases brand awareness. By your choosing the numbers that correspond to your business, whether it is the brand name or the product itself, customers will find it easier to remember who and what number they should call. For example, if you are selling motorbikes, it would be a good idea to choose a vanity number that looks like 1-800-BIKE. Read More