Act Quickly, 855 Toll Free Numbers Are Going To Go Faster Than Their Predecessors by: blog-editor2, September 7, 2010 With the release of the new 855 toll free prefix only weeks away, 855 toll free numbers are flying off the shelf faster than any of their predecessors. It may have taken awhile for the 800, 888, 877 and 866 toll free numbers to be used up, but now that toll free numbers have proven to be one of the most powerful branding and marketing tools that businesses can have, the demand for 855 toll free numbers is staggering. The launch of the 855 prefix is certainly a unique opportunity for businesses and is perhaps the best investment than can be made this year. Read More
Internet Advertising – Ignoring Web Analytics Is Complete Insanity by: blog-editor2, September 3, 2010 Internet advertising has clearly become the savior of many businesses across the globe. It has emerged as the most cost effective form of marketing for almost every industry, and it has enabled the launch of thousands of new enterprises in the last few years. Yet it is amazing how many people ignore the most basic tools that can dramatically improve response rates and maximize marketing ROI. Read More
Every Business Marketing Consultant Should Be Adding Toll Free Numbers To Their Services by: blog-editor2, September 2, 2010 Businesses across all industries are facing tougher competition than ever before. Companies and entrepreneurs are not only being more prudent about their spending, but they are demanding more value from the companies with whom they do business. This situation is especially true for marketing consultants and marketing agencies. As a marketing consultant in the current market, you must be adding more services for your clients, and when possible, bundling additional services to add more value than your competitors are offering. Smart marketing consultants are realizing that toll free numbers are one of these additional services and tools that they can easily add to their offering. Read More
Increase Your Productivity 100% With Toll Free Number Forwarding by: blog-editor2, August 19, 2010 Toll free numbers offer many advantages for all aspects of operating a profitable business. You are already no doubt familiar with the incredible branding benefits that toll free and vanity numbers offer as well as the power they offer to maximize marketing ROI. However, toll free numbers also offer amazing advantages in increasing productivity as well. Read More
Offering Free 800 Numbers To Gain Market Share by: blog-editor2, August 18, 2010 Businesses across the country are finding that they must offer more and more real value to clients and partner programs in order to retain the ones they have and to differentiate themselves to attract new ones. A great and easy way to provide such value is by bundling services which not only helps clients and partners to be more successful, but it also helps to add to your bottom line as well. Besides just attracting new customers, remember that the biggest and easiest profits can come from repeat business and increasing same customer spending. The more successful you make your clients and customers, the more they will come back to use your services, the more excited they will be, and the greater the likelihood that they will send you referrals. One of the easiest and best tools you can offer and bundle with your other services and products or programs are free 800 numbers. Read More
Three 855 Toll Free Numbers You Must Have by: blog-editor2, August 17, 2010 The fast approaching launch of the 855 toll free number prefix is certainly a fantastic opportunity for existing businesses and new ventures to take advantage of prime toll free numbers and all the branding and marketing advantages they offer. With the October 1st release day right around the corner, savvy manager and business owners have been rushing to reserve premium toll free numbers to concrete their branding and increase advertising effectiveness. So what 855 toll free numbers must you have? Read More
What To Do When Your PPC Advertising Isn’t Getting Hits by: blog-editor2, August 9, 2010 When your PPC advertising isn’t getting hits, you must first determine why before you can take positive action. Was it working and has it all of a sudden ground to a halt? Then perhaps your competitors have moved in on your turf and are driving up the bid price it takes to get sufficient volume. If you are launching new campaigns, perhaps your bid amounts are not high enough or you do not have enough keywords to drive sufficient volume. Whatever the reason, before giving up on PPC advertising, spend a few weeks testing marketing strategy and various factors of your campaign. Read More
What To Do When Your PPC Advertising Isn’t Getting Hits by: blog-editor2, When your PPC advertising isn’t getting hits, you must first determine why before you can take positive action. Was it working and has it all of a sudden ground to a halt? Then perhaps your competitors have moved in on your turf and are driving up the bid price it takes to get sufficient volume. If you are launching new campaigns, perhaps your bid amounts are not high enough or you do not have enough keywords to drive sufficient volume. Whatever the reason, before giving up on PPC advertising, spend a few weeks testing marketing strategy and various factors of your campaign. Read More
What To Do When Your PPC Advertising Isn't Getting Hits by: admin, When your PPC advertising isn’t getting hits, you must first determine why before you can take positive action. Was it working and has it all of a sudden ground to a halt? Then perhaps your competitors have moved in on your turf and are driving up the bid price it takes to get sufficient volume. If you are launching new campaigns, perhaps your bid amounts are not high enough or you do not have enough keywords to drive sufficient volume. Whatever the reason, before giving up on PPC advertising, spend a few weeks testing marketing strategy and various factors of your campaign. Read More
What the New 855 Toll Free Numbers Mean for Testing Market Strategy by: blog-editor2, August 3, 2010 October 1, 2010 is the much anticipated release date of the highly sought after 855 toll free numbers. These 855 toll free numbers offer a unique and incredibly powerful opportunity for many businesses from new start-ups to those reinventing themselves and corporate giants alike. However, one of the biggest advantages these premium toll free numbers offer is in the area of testing market strategy and moving in to dominate new markets. Read More