855 Numbers Scheduled for October 1st, 2010! by: blog-editor1, June 29, 2010 Order an 855 Vanity Before They're Gone! The 855 Toll Free prefix will be released October 1st, 2010. This is from an official announcement just released on June 25th. Custom Toll Free, the leader in toll free consulting, has made it fast and convenient to reserve the new 855 vanity numbers with their online platform. For a small fee, users will be placed in the national queue to reserve their choice of 855 vanity number IMMEDIATELY upon release at midnight on October 1st. With access to an MGI tool (the fastest availalbe connection to the FCC database) clients have a better than average chance of scooping up an amazing vanity number ahead of their competition. Read More
855 Number Launch Date Announced! by: Custom Toll Free, June 28, 2010 The long awaited launch of the new 855 toll free number prefix has just been given a firm date. Those who have been struggling to find a toll free vanity number that meets their needs and marketing programs can now lock in premium 855 numbers if they hurry. The release date for the new 855 numbers is set for 12 Midnight EST on October 1, 2010. However, this does not mean you have time to waste. Read More
Choosing Your 800 Number – Keep It Simple by: blog-editor2, May 24, 2010 So you've decided to take advantage of the great power of having an 800 number, but how do you choose the optimal number for your business? How do you make the most out of the use of your new toll free number? One of the most important factors to consider is keeping your toll free number simple. While having an 800 number lends credibility and offers a range of great options for improving your operations, one of the greatest benefits of toll free numbers is providing your customers with an easy to remember way to contact your company. You normally only have seconds to imprint your contact information into the minds of your prospects. No doubt at some point you have heard a radio commercial or seen a TV ad that interested you, but you just couldn't write the number down in time. It doesn't matter how great your product or service is, if your customers cannot contact you, you will not realize revenue from your marketing budget and could soon find your company going out of business. Read More
What Makes A Good 800 Vanity Number? by: blog-editor2, May 21, 2010 The statistics have shown how a good 800 vanity number can deliver double digit increases in response rates and closing ratios, and clearly the credibility and branding advantages are priceless. But what makes a good 800 vanity number? Read More
Why Having Vanity Numbers Is More Crucial Than Ever by: blog-editor2, May 10, 2010 Vanity numbers have always proven to increase brand awareness, improve response rates to marketing campaigns, and raise closing ratios, but now rather than being a luxury, vanity numbers have become a necessity. More and more companies now realize what they have been missing out on by not having a toll free number or vanity number, and they are creating a frenzy for the best vanity numbers they can find, especially now that the new 855 toll free number prefix is launching and 855 numbers can be reserved. Read More
Who Should Have a 1-800 Vanity Number? by: blog-editor2, April 20, 2010 The simple answer is–anyone who wants to be successful! Far from just being about vanity, besides creating a solid brand identity, 1-800 vanity numbers have been proven dramatically to increase response rates and closing ratios for businesses. Now get your 855 toll free numbers here! Read More
855 Toll Free Numbers by: blog-editor2, April 15, 2010 The long awaited release of the 855 prefix for toll free numbers seems imminent. The current pool of toll free numbers with the existing prefixes of 800, 888, 877 & 866 have become extremely limited. As each new prefix has been released for toll free services, savvy business owners and marketing directors have swooped up the most valuable toll free numbers, especially the vanity numbers that spell out premium words. The statistics on the incredible value of having a great toll free number should be old news by now for any experienced and wise marketer. However, getting a premium vanity number that fits your needs can sometimes seem difficult and time consuming without the right tools from the current numbers that are available. Other problems associated with the limited choices of toll free numbers include increased prices and an increase of unscrupulous activities by some less than credible RespOrgs. 855 RESERVATIONS NOW AVAILABLE ON CUSTOM TOLL FREE Read More