Play Small to Think Big: Seeing Your Services through the Eyes of a Small Business and Your Clients

by: 00juno , May 2, 2013

vanity branding, toll free number for small business, 800 nuumbers, toll free 800 number, 800 toll free numberIt’s common knowledge to customers and employees in the food service industry that we “help ourselves”. Is there enough ketchup to go with those fries? No, grab some packets. Is one packet of sugar going to cover that whole cup of coffee? No, grab a handful. In other words, what would I want served with my order if I was sitting at the table? Your business should operate the same way. Are you satisfied with the services that you’re offering? If not, you’ve got a problem. If you can’t treat yourself the way you would want to be treated, then how can you expect your business to treat others?

For Your Business, Your Service, and Your Toll-Free Communication, Be Your Own Customer.

According to a Gallup Poll published in 2009, the three biggest in-store pet peeves as explained by customers are associates chatting amongst themselves instead of greeting and offering help, not getting the quick pick-up you were promised, getting the excuse that the worker “was busy with other customers”, or the vague “I don’t know” response in regards to a product. Time after time we’ve seen these things drive away customers, sometimes to the point of bankruptcy. Communication with your customers is the lifeblood of your company and whether or not you’re a small business relying on a few conversions as a means of survival or an established name, you should see it as such.

Likewise, you should apply these standards to your toll free number. Put yourself in the position of your caller: familiarize yourself with the system through which your customers are calling, put the most needed services at the forefront, and make sure you’re accessible. Do you have a vanity toll free number spelling that’s easy to remember? Do you have a system to help re-direct callers should they forget or do not know their party’s extension? Can you take a message in the event that you’re busy?

Custom Toll Free can help turn your toll free number into an asset, not only by measuring what most callers want, but by knowing and telling you the reasons why callers might be hanging up. We’ve seen the toll free number through the eyes and ears of the most profitable conglomerates: the struggling small businesses, and most importantly, the callers chiming in. We can certainly say the success is the same. Are you satisfied with the way you’re reaching your clients?

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