How Toll Free Numbers Spell out Savings and Streamlined Service

by: 00juno , February 26, 2013

toll free number, 800 toll free number, toll free numbs, toll free 800 numbers.One of the most popular benefits in offering a toll free number is it pays for itself. Most of the time all it takes is a quick connection and a conversion to prove its worth, at the same time providing you with accessibility, increased profitability, and a peace-of-mind. The 800 toll free number has proven to be a profitable measure in terms of direct marketing and customer service dating back to Ginzu knives.

Toll free numbers go beyond the expectations of being just an asset: it’s an entirely different and vital element altogether, and one that helps save money. For example, the Department of Insurance in Columbus, Ohio reported saving an excess of $24 million dollars for Ohio residents through their toll free number hotlines.

“The department’s Office of Consumer Affairs says it received 5,500 consumer complaints in 2012. Many dealt with insurance claim denial, claim delay or unsatisfactory settlement offers. The office recovered $18.9 million for consumer while the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program saved $5.5 million.”

Beyond the public scope, major businesses rely on toll free numbers for reasons beyond owner profitability. For instance, city drivers can save money on parking by paying through an 800 toll free number service offered by the city. Also, businesses can have their 800 number extensions ported directly to their cell phones, increasing accessibility as well as sparing themselves the cost of adding separate business liness.

These are all just a few of the extended amenities that come standard when offering an 800 toll free number service.

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