A New Spin on Literal Word Art: How WordClouds Capture a New Landscape of Language and How They Can Help Your Toll Free Numbers.

by: 00juno , September 28, 2012

You may have seen them featured on segments of shows such as “The Colbert Report” and “Parks and Recreation”, among others, and despite an ill-defined meaning or practicality use, “WordClouds” have become a rising trend over the last year. By definition, a word cloud—originally referred to as a “tag cloud”—serves as a visual representation for text data. It is mainly used for SEO purposes in determining keywords and popular phrases surrounding terms best used for optimization and link conversions. However, these tag clouds have become more relevant in the wake of web 2.0 rather than a simple weighted list showing what words catch on.


Here's one we made:


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The simple appearance of these WordClouds has spawned an artistic embrace of the application. The altering sizes, ordered by importance, have paved the way for aesthetic appearance merging photographic poetry with social media analytics. Let’s look at Tagxedo, for example. Tagxedo is a service, which allows users to literally copy over text from a written work or speech and arrange and order the words through their own algorithms with customizable fonts, themes, colors, orientation, and custom shapes. Before you know it: you’ve turned “copypasta” into a complete and original work of art. Take a look at these for instance: http://www.facebook.com/tagxedo.


This trend is still on the rise, paving the way for many new avenues in the efforts of vanity branding. Now you can use your analytics to make works of art. It’s not just about finding what words are being used the most, but making the most of those words. This is the essence of the art of vanity branding.


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