The Best Ways to Advertise Your Toll Free Number

by: Custom Toll Free , July 8, 2011

So you are aware of the huge advantages of having a toll free number for your business and the large impact it can have on maximizing marketing effectiveness. However, if you don't put it to good use by getting your toll free number out into the public's eye, then it isn't going to increase your advertising effectiveness. as much as you expect. Your vanity numbers should be on everything you do from your business cards to website to letterhead. Below are a few specific examples of essential places to use your toll free numbers.

Custom Branded Clothing: Having your own clothing made complete with your logo, slogan, and 800 number is a great way to build brand awareness and credibility simultaneously. Your business clothing line can include anything from hats and golf jackets to polo shirts and t-shirts. Some people may think this idea is expensive; however, the payoff can be worthwhile depending on how you combine and use these walking marketing pieces.

Direct Mail: By combining the latest toll free services and direct response tracking tools, you can use your toll free numbers not only to increase advertising effectiveness and response rates directly, but you can also test and hone your campaigns to maximize marketing ROI.

TV and Radio: This one might seem obvious. The advantage is that you can repeat the number over and over, not just on screen for TV, but also on the radio. When people hear something repeatedly, it sticks in their head. Even if they don't act right away, when they need your service, they'll remember your vanity toll free number and be calling you.


Social Media: This is one of the quickest ways to advertise your toll free number. Take advantage of setting up a free account on Facebook or Twitter, start a blog, generate readers and an audience, and pretty soon you'll be gaining visitors to your site. Online advertising is one of the easiest, quickest, and most efficient ways to advertise today.

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