800 Toll Free Numbers and Advertising Effectiveness

by: Custom Toll Free , July 1, 2011

The numbers don’t lie; 800 toll free numbers can have a major positive impact on your advertising effectiveness.

The instant credibility and ease of contact that 800 toll free numbers provide has been shown to dramatically increase the response rates on all types of direct advertising from direct mail to email campaigns to PPC advertising and print media. For the small investment in a winning 800 number you can keep on seeing returns again and again every month and on all the marketing you do.

More responses are nice and can definitely increase your odds of success just by pure numbers alone. However, clearly what is more important is the number of conversions and real customers you are making. There are two main ways that 800 toll free numbers can help you achieve higher conversion rates.

Firstly, using 800 toll free numbers means the ability to take advantage of the latest toll free routing and call forwarding options enabling you to capitalize on outsourcing and better handle any response you do get. The better your service, the more hours that you are available and the faster prospects can get through to someone you can help them the higher your conversion rates will be.

Secondly, the credibility and professional image than 800 toll free numbers lend means that consumers already trust you and see you as an expert when they call. This dramatically cuts down on the need to do any convincing on the phone and makes it easier just to take orders.

Of course, still not everyone may be ready for your product or service when you touch them the first time. By using 800 toll free numbers you can already begin building your brand in their minds making all future marketing campaigns to them more effective. Plus your easy to remember 800 toll free numbers will also make it a breeze for them to remember your business phone number when they do need you or have friends or colleagues who need a referral.

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