Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Social Media Marketing This Year

by: blog-editor2 , February 1, 2011

1. Improve Your Product Funnel
Instead of relying on your various social media marketing profiles as totally independent avenues, strive to build a better funnel that pulls all of your online marketing together, allowing each level to do its job while improving your ROI and conversion ratios. Tie together your social media marketing pages, blog, website, and email marketing campaigns to capture more prospects, close deals, and maximize the potential profit from each one.

2. Include Your Vanity Number
Differentiate yourself from all of the small unprofessional fish out there and make sure to include your toll free vanity number on all of your social media marketing fan pages as well, and of course, on your blog and your communications with prospects. A catchy vanity number alone may be the closing factor you have been missing to make prospects take the action you want.

3. Work Smarter Not Harder
It can sometimes seem overwhelming to produce enough content to keep all of your social media marketing channels updated or to expand into more to improve SEO and attract more traffic. However, if you create high quality original content that can be repurposed for your various forms of social media marketing, you can still reap the rewards of a bigger presence on the web while maximizing your budget. For example, commission quality articles that can then be turned into blogs, Tweets, YouTube videos, and social media marketing posts.

4. Explore Group Buying Opportunities
Group buying is about to explode in a big way. It is already the only way many people shop online in China for everything from diapers to houses. Social media marketing giant Facebook has just rolled out its own experiment in group buying for members. Mercedes Benz even discovered its power by using group buying to move over 200 cars in a few hours. So why not explore the potential for your company to benefit from group power whether it is moving your own products or acquiring the things your organization needs?

5. Creating Mobile Apps Or Social Media Games
It is no secret that social media marketing games have emerged as one of the biggest moneymakers in the last couple of years with a monstrous return on investment. Mobile marketing is also an exploding trend that opens the door to thousands and millions of new prospects. So why not explore the opportunity for capitalizing on these trends ahead of your direct competitors?

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