Direct Marketing Metrics and Your Toll Free Number

by: blog-editor2 , September 22, 2010

If you thought toll free and vanity numbers were just for looking cool, you couldn’t be more wrong. Your toll free number offers many benefits for improving your ROI and your business processes. In fact, toll free numbers have emerged as one of the best tools for tracking your direct marketing metrics.

Leading toll free number providers now offer online access to your call details so you can constantly keep on top of your advertising effectiveness and employee performance 24/7. You can stay up-to-date on these either with your main vanity toll free number or by using blocks of free phone numbers for testing and tracking all of your direct marketing metrics. Before launching any direct marketing campaign full force, it is crucial to test. Toll free number blocks provide for the ultimate in split testing, which enables you to confirm your theories and strategies as well as honing your demographics and message to maximize marketing ROI through higher response numbers and increased closing ratios. On the front end, your toll free number call details will fill you in on which geographic areas, age groups, prospect types, and which copy and layout draw the most responses. 

However, remember that responses are not the only thing you want. Your responses need to turn into revenues. Here is where back end marketing metrics come into play. Your toll free number call details will allow you to see how long your call center reps spent on the phone with prospects and what were the results. Too many short call times on your toll free number with no closings probably suggests that your ideal prospects are not being attracted into taking action. A high response rate with longer call times and still a small amount of closings obviously suggests that something in your script is turning people off. With a few tweaks, you can see much bigger revenues than if you had rushed into a full campaign blindfolded. Finally, keep in mind that your toll free numbers can also act as your own personal crystal ball and show you signs of changing trends even before those trends hit the news or your competitors pick up on it.

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