Why Choose The 855 Prefix For Your Toll Free Numbers

by: blog-editor2 , August 24, 2010

The release of the much anticipated 855 prefix for toll free numbers is almost here, but why choose an 855 number? For many companies and entrepreneurs, 855 numbers are the best option simply due to the ease of acquiring them. Premium vanity numbers for all of the previous toll free number prefixes are almost all taken. While leading toll free service providers can assist you with tracking down the owners of these coveted numbers and assist in negotiations, you will often find that 855 numbers are more cost-effective or your only option in many industries. This situation is especially true for new start-ups and small businesses who have realized that they need to improve their branding or correct it to match the new directions the opportunities in their industries are leading them in.

Medium and large companies and those small businesses who are serious about becoming major players and already have toll free numbers need to acquire 855 numbers out of necessity. The launch of the 855 prefix is a godsend to new and smaller players who now have easy and affordable access to winning vanity numbers. Meanwhile, those who have already established their positions in a given industry must act to protect and defend them. This defense means at a minimum securing the 855 versions of any vanity toll free numbers that they may have. Those who are aggressive and proactive will certainly also desire to acquire any similar 855 toll free numbers as well in order to prevent any competition from creeping up the ranks and making it prohibitively expensive for them to do so. This acquisition definitely also includes grabbing up any prime 855 numbers that spell out words that could be used by others to make moves into niche markets in the industry.

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