4 customer appreciation ideas for small business

by: Custom Toll Free , July 7, 2016

Everyone deserves a little extra recognition now and then, and your customers are no exception. You might offer sales and discounts, but there’s more you can do to promote loyalty and build better customer relationships. As a small business, you have the opportunity to show more care for your customers, but how can you do so without breaking your budget?

It might be easier than you think. No matter how you choose to appreciate your customers, it should be relevant, personable, memorable and sincere. With this in mind, here are some ideas for showing customers your gratitude:

Offer a learning experience

People love to know about the inner workings of a business. Offer a “customer appreciation day” during which customers can come in to learn about and sample your different product offerings. For example, a coffee shop or a sandwich place could bring in experts to talk about the basics of brewing or sandwich crafting, offering free tastings throughout the program. The more your customers know about your product, the more they’ll appreciate it. Online businesses can even use this strategy through webinars or blogging. Offer free coaching so your customers can make the most of your specific products and services.

Delight one customer

You see it on social media every day: a company goes above and beyond to serve one customer and the story goes viral. It’s time for your company’s story to shine. One moment of over-the-top customer service could turn into a story that your customer tells over and over to family, friends and on social media.

Communicate with care

This is something you can do every day. Talk to your customers like you would in person — not like you would in a formal letter or press release. When a customer makes a comment on social media, be sure to personally reply, and include a signature of the employee who drafted the response. Be social and welcoming with your customers so your interactions don’t seem forced and uptight.

Give special treatment to loyal customers

Keep track of what your most loyal customers like to purchase and keep that information on file. The next time a customer goes to make a purchase, offer one of their frequently bought items at surprise discount. For example, if a certain customer continually purchases the same kind of lawn fertilizer, offer them a deal on a new bag. Even if it wasn’t on the shopping list for that day, they’re likely to jump on the offer.

Use these ideas to build customer loyalty and show that you truly care. Your customers will truly appreciate the relevance and personal nature of your interactions.

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