The Importance of Mobile Apps and Mobile Friendly Websites for Small Businesses

by: Custom Toll Free , August 9, 2013

Mobile Marketing, Small Business, Business TechnologyThere has been a lot of debate on the relevance of mobiles apps and websites to a small business’s success. Investing money in mobile apps and business technology is what most small business owners are already doing, but they seem to forget one important thing when considering mobile marketing: creating a mobile friendly website. For example, at the beginning of 2013, 75 percent of Apple’s total sales came from mobile apps. Can you really let the 25 percent slip away? Here are some reasons why mobile apps and mobile friendly websites are important business tools in small business marketing strategies:

Both work as a team. Even if you are implementing a strong and solid mobile marketing scheme, it doesn’t mean that the Internet won’t play an important role as well. Mobile apps make it easy for people to access information and perform tasks, but your website must also be mobile friendly. The two go hand in hand.

Business technology is all about handheld and mobile devices. Business analysts expect that in the near future, people around the globe will no longer use a desktop or even laptop computer when browsing the web. Let’s say your business offers a really cool and functional app, but maybe your website isn’t as robust or mobile-friendly. What do you think will happen?

Then there is the customer base that prefers browsing a website as opposed to using an app. There is the portion of the population that still does not use or own a Smartphone or tablet. Would you really let go of potential customers because your business only offers an app or a website? Luckily mobile websites aren’t that costly, so it’s worth the time and money all around. All in all, your business should offer both a mobile website and app for an optimum marketing strategy.

Here’s another point to consider. Customers consider their mobile devices their own private, personal, and individualized tools. Basically, 97 percent of mobile phone users check notifications from installed apps. Today it’s all about individualization and personalization. If you can get the face of your business in customers’ personalized tools, marketing your products and services just became easier.

Don’t forget about toll free numbers. Mobile apps and mobile friendly websites are very important for small businesses, however, your marketing strategy should always include a vanity toll free number. While reaching customers through mobile apps and mobile friendly websites is highly effective, you can also use toll free numbers to boost communication and break the barriers between you and your customers, and even help you stand apart from your competition.

All in all, it’s important for small businesses to close the gap between a well-designed website, a functional and effective mobile app, and a mobile friendly version of your website. Most businesses today—especially since this new staple in online marketing is still somewhat new—only offer one or the other, or two out of three. The time, effort, and investment in boosting your marketing strategy to include all these is worthwhile.

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