Make Smart Customer Decisions Using Data Analytics

by: Custom Toll Free , May 31, 2016

Do you think big companies are the only ones who can use big data? Think again. More and more small businesses are relying on data analytics to guide their decisions. In fact, a recent study conducted by Salesforce reports that high-performing small business sales teams are 1.3 times more likely to be using sales analytics.

The development of more user-friendly analytics tools makes it possible and even easy for small business owners and employees to access data reports that provide real-time insights. There’s no need to hire any data scientists or research firms.

Starting with google analytics

You also don’t need any fancy or expensive software to gather or analyze data. You already have most of the tools you need, starting with your website and Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free monitoring tool that helps you keep track of your web traffic using various metrics and sources. This tool lets you look at long-term reports to expose trends in your business and make wiser business decisions in order to meet your goals. You can also analyze your social media traffic, which will help you adjust your marketing campaigns to find what works best. If you’re in need of some basic Google Analytic knowledge, this article is a great place to start.

Taking it a step further

You likely already use tools like Salesforce, Quickbooks, Google Analytics, Zendesk or ShoreTel Sky, but sorting through your own data is time consuming and exhausting. But analytics platforms like InsightSquared and Canopy Labs can extract customer data from these tools, organize your data and help identify strengths, weaknesses and trends in your business. Canopy Labs also uses sales trends and predictive behavior models to give you information that will be helpful in future marketing campaigns.

Analyzing your inbound leads

Another data analytics tool that can help you monitor your inbound phone leads is an online account manager for your toll-free number. Included free with service from Custom Toll Free, you’ll have a variety of tools at your fingertips to help you track calls and pull detailed reports. To learn more about the benefits of a vanity toll-free number, visit

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