How to Establish Trust with a Toll Free Number

by: admin , June 6, 2014

We talked in a blog published recently about the changes in the content marketing landscape and what that means for small businesses and entrepreneurs…other than frustration. One of the key turning points and shifts in the content marketing world is establishing and maintaining trust among customers. Communication is so important and this facet is only going to increase as the year progresses. So what is one of the tried and true ways to establish, maintain, and establish trust through effective lines of communication? Toll free numbers.

What Are the Benefits?

Toll free vanity numbers provide small businesses and entrepreneurs with many benefits: flexibility, brand recognition, increase conversion rates, open communication, and even a huge return on investment. Toll free vanity numbers also give customers a reliable and easy way to reach you at all times. This is the part that enhances trust, and establishes a solid reputation and image that helps you stand apart from your competitors.

Gather Perspective

Before any small business or entrepreneur can really (and we mean REALLY) market to their customers, is to learn them. What are they needs? What are they wants? What are their buyer personas? This piece is gold. Once small businesses and entrepreneurs gather this data and tie it into their marketing strategy, the rest is much easier. Before you can take on a vanity number and advertise it properly, you first need to figure out how you are going to solve your customers’ problems. What solutions can you offer them when they call you? Gather your customer’s perspective first, then think vanity.

Toll Free Numbers Put the “T” in “Trust”

What do toll free numbers have to do with trust? Simple. In any type of relationship, trust must be earned. Whether it’s personal, professional, or romantic, trust must be earned for a long-term committed relationship. The same goes for customers and small businesses. If customers have a reliable method to contact you and ask you their questions related to products and services, or voice their concerns and feel like they are being heard, this establishes trust over time. Then, those customers will refer you to their friends, family, and colleagues…people they trust. So now you have not only expanded your client base via word-of-mouth marketing, but by instilling trust in one initial customer, you’ve broadened your base to another four customers.

The other key element here to seal the deal in communication with your customers is to be able to offer them a vanity number tied with your brand (as well as your web domain) that is easy for them to remember, and pass along to their family and friends. You’d be surprised how easy this is for customers to do, as well as how effective and easy this can be tied into your marketing strategy. This is just one reason why toll free numbers equal much higher conversion rates. The number of leads generated from advertising a vanity toll free number can easily increase your overall call volume and convert those leads into customers.

© Petr Ciz –


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