Are You Missing the Call-to-Action? Some Tips for your Social Media and Vanity Toll Free Number Branding

by: 00juno , July 2, 2013

800 toll free number, social media branding, Vanity 800 Number, vanity numbersWhat does the perfect marketing campaign consist of? Maybe it’s actively using Facebook or Twitter, or Pinterest’ed people in your product, or even what we love most: a vanity toll free number spelling out exactly what they need and what you do best. While it may not be everything to get the calls you want from customers, sometimes lost in the shuffle of catchy slogans and charming spokespersons is the simple gesture: the call to action.

Imagine for a moment a world without customer service. This could be as costly as introducing yourself without a handshake. But it goes beyond green and red buttons and the “Call Now” taglines at the end of your advertising. Review your social media accounts and posts to make sure you’re getting your message right. Here are a few pointers:

·Consistent Company Logo Usage/Background Images: Much as a vanity toll free number establishes market presence, so does your company’s graphics. Make your logos are clear and consistent. Avoid pixelated or cut-off profile pictures at all costs.

·Organic Posting for Every Platform: Did you know that exporting your Tweets to Facebook decreases the edge rank of your post? This is because it hinders its news feed visibility. While it’s great to import from other platforms, take the time each day to make sure you actually log on your LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. You may be getting replies and re-tweets you’re missing out on.

·Engagement over Emptiness: Beef it up, even if there’s no one in your Google+ circle. Passing users that do not find anything of interest or useful on your page can result in a major loss. Even if your Facebook has 1,000 or more likes and generates business, an empty LinkedIn or Google+ can tell a customer that your business is more of a side project than your bread and butter.

·Perfect the Profile: Especially in the case of LinkedIn and Facebook, simple exclusions such as failing to list your business’ physical address, your toll free number, your employees, or testimonials and/or recommendations can cost your business consumer trust. So don’t forget to list them all. After all, when you’ve got it, what would Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali say?

It’s your business and it’s your voice. Don’t let it get lost in the shuffle. Make sure with whatever marketing method of choice you currently use, don’t forget to perfect your call to action.

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